In April 2010, Jordan came before the UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) for an in-depth review of its compliance with its obligations under the UN Convention Against Torture. JBI played a key role in the review with Director Felice Gaer, in her capacity as expert member of the UN Committee Against Torture, serving as rapporteur, or lead questioner of the government representatives who appeared before the CAT.
Among the broad range of torture-related issues Ms. Gaer raised with the Kingdom of Jordan’s representatives were the use of administrative detention, the use of unlawful and coerced evidence, and the lack of safeguards against torture in security-related cases and interrogations.
In its conclusions, the CAT condemned Jordan's withdrawal of nationality from 2700 Palestinians; honor killings; and the use of incommunicado detention.
In a related examination of Syria – the first one by the CAT -- secret detention centers in Syria and many of the same issues were condemned. Notably, in its concluding observations, the CAT called on Jordan –and Syria, separately -- to investigate “numerous and credible allegations” that their police and prison authorities routinely tortured detainees.
At another session of the CAT, Gaer was lead rapporteur on Azerbaijan.