The Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights (JBI) has sent a letter to Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, urging him to oppose a bill before the Knesset which, if adopted, would undermine such basic freedoms as speech, association, and assembly. In addition, the bill would hinder the promotion and protection of human rights for all by civil society, a longstanding aim of democratic societies and a principal Jewish value.
The bill, made public on November 30, would prohibit donations from foreign state entities to six categories of “restricted associations” and impose a 45% tax on donations from foreign state entities to public institutions that do not receive funding from the State of Israel. As a result of the broad terms used in the bill, it could be interpreted to categorize as "restricted associations" civil society organizations that call for accountability of government officials, including military officials, for human rights violations and for changes to unfair or discriminatory government policies and actions.
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