The Jacob Blaustein Institute convened an expert discussion on “Challenges to the UN Human Rights Agenda: Defamation of Religions” on October 6, 2010 featuring Professor Nazila Ghanea of Oxford University and Jo-Anne Prud’homme, JBI’s former International Human Rights Officer.
At the event, participants, including two dozen UN representatives to the Third Committee, JBI’s Chair E. Robert Goodkind, and Director Felice Gaer discussed with Ghanea and Prud’homme some of the worrisome initiatives underway in the UN to expand limitations on human rights, particularly universal human rights of freedom of expression and religion.
Professor Ghanea began the program with a presentation on the misuse of human rights law that has wrongly justified excessive limitations to free expression. She criticized the use of a ‘pick and mix’ approach that takes limitations on one right and applies it to another right. An analytic paper presenting norms prepared by her was distributed and can be found here: Download JBI Paper N Ghanea
Ms. Prud’homme discussed the tendency to conflate “defamation of religions” with incitement as set forth in article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and her presentation is available here: Download JBI Paper HR Note Prudhomme
As the JBI seminar made clear, and the talking points demonstrate, “defamation of religions” is not a human rights issue, it is incompatible with the legal concepts of incitement and defamation, and it is susceptible to use in defense of oppressive conduct. JBI also cautions states as to how they approach this issue, pointing out that states that fail to object to the “defamation of religions” initiatives at the UN General Assembly or Human Rights Council would be complicit in active efforts to undermine the effectiveness of the human rights system.
Many questions were raised about the four regional conferences on articles 19 and 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights being organized in 2010 by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The first of these is scheduled to take place in Vienna in January 2011.
Participants asked JBI to prepare talking points on the issue of “defamation of religions, which we have listed below and which can be found here: Download JBI Talking Points Defamation of Religion
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